Standalone Sunday

Standalone Sunday | #2


Standalone Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Megan @ bookslayerReads. Standalone Sunday is a way to showcase all the standalone books you have loved, but maybe don’t get the attention they need.

This week I will be showcasing

31549837Title: A Love Letter to Whiskey

Author: Kandi Steiner

Published: September 25th 2016

Goodreads Synopsis:

It’s crazy how fast the buzz comes back after you’ve been sober for so long.

Whiskey stood there, on my doorstep, just like he had one year before. Except this time, there was no rain, no anger, no wedding invitation — it was just us.

It was just him — the old friend, the easy smile, the twisted solace wrapped in a glittering bottle.

It was just me — the alcoholic, pretending like I didn’t want to taste him, realizing too quickly that months of being clean didn’t make me crave him any less.

But we can’t start here.

No, to tell this story right, we need to go back.

Back to the beginning.

Back to the very first drop.

This is my love letter to Whiskey. I only hope he reads it.

Okay so I absolutely am IN LOVE with this book! I just read it this past week, and I was amazed I will be checking out the rest of Kandi Steiner’s work. This book is a tale of love and bad timing. It is a emotionally gripping, wrecking, roller coaster. And I loved ever minute. If you missed my review of this book check it out HERE!

What standalone book are you showcasing this week?

Leave me the link to your post below!

And as always feel free to share your thoughts on A Love Letter to Whiskey as well!


Stacking The Shelves

Stacking the Shelves | #1


Stacking the Shelves is a new weekly meme I will be participating in. Stacking the Shelves is hosted over at the wonderful Tynga’s Reviews.  It’s a way to keep you guys updated on what has hit my shelves this week, whether they be physical copies, ebooks, library books, or review copies.

Ebooks Purchased 




Kindle Unlimited Books


 Review | A Love Letter To Whiskey



Review Copies 

(Via NetGalley, or Direct)


As always feel free to leave the link to your Staking The Shelves below for me to check out!



Review | A Love Letter To Whiskey


Title: A Love Letter to Whiskey

Author: Kandi Steiner

Published: October 13th

Goodreads synopsis:

It’s crazy how fast the buzz comes back after you’ve been sober for so long.

Whiskey stood there, on my doorstep, just like he had one year before. Except this time, there was no rain, no anger, no wedding invitation — it was just us.

It was just him — the old friend, the easy smile, the twisted solace wrapped in a glittering bottle.

It was just me — the alcoholic, pretending like I didn’t want to taste him, realizing too quickly that months of being clean didn’t make me crave him any less.

But we can’t start here.

No, to tell this story right, we need to go back.

Back to the beginning.

Back to the very first drop.

This is my love letter to Whiskey. I only hope he reads it.

“Don’t you want a little whiskey on your lips?” 



This book…AHH this book! A Love Letter to Whiskey is one of those books that fully enraptures, intoxicates, and captures you from the very first word. This book is what I look for as a reader. As a reader of mainly romance books currently, this book is everything I could have possibly wished for in a book. I laughed, I cried, I seriously considered throwing my kindle at the wall. This book had so many FEELS. Kandi Steiner has written probably one of my new all time favorite books! This is one of those books that from the beginning I know will completely wreck me emotionally, and yet I literally couldn’t put it down. I really wished I had started it on a day off so that I could simply sit and consume this great love story. Jaime and B will go down as one of my favorite couples in a romance novel. I had such a connection to both characters. They were raw and relatable, and all I wanted was for timing to be on their side. I’m not going to lie at some points during this book I was so frustrated at them that I seriously could have ripped them apart. Sometimes I didn’t agree with their decisions, or I though to myself “just make the decision to be together”. For them though, it wasn’t that easy, they each had things going on in their life that led them to not choose the other. Their love was an addiction, and man were they addicts…and by then end of this book so was I. Whiskey…my new addiction. It has been a long time if ever that a book has given me this much heartbreak and joy in one go. I felt every moment of heartache between my lovely Jaime and B, I felt their joy and excitement when they thought maybe the universe was finally going to be on their side. It is so hard to review a book you enjoyed so much, one that you feel such a connection to, because all I want is to tell everyone to read this book. To fall in love with these two and their struggles and the realness of their story. I just want you to feel the same passion and utter raw emotions I felt as I read this.

I really just can’t explain to you how absolutely beautiful, crazy, and heartbreaking this book is. I really have to tell you all YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK! Please read it…GO NOW! Don’t wait!





“But sometimes,even when we know something is bad for us, we do it anyway. Maybe for the thrill, maybe to cure out curiosity, or maybe just to lie to ourselves a little longer.”

“It turned out a Whiskey stain was just as permanent as ink, and I wondered if I would ever truly wash myself clean.

Or if I even wanted to.”

“Words don’t get written from a heart that’s never felt. They come from pain, from love, from unspeakable depths-and they were only release.”

“I wasn’t sorry the first time I kissed you, even when you weren’t mine, and I’m not sorry I kissed you the other night, even when I wasn’t yours. Because the truth is you’ve always been mine, and I’ll always be yours, and that’s just they way it is.”

“I’d fallen from the highest high to the lowest low, and now here I was crumpled in a ball on the floor. I curled in on myself, rocking slightly, and I let the Tears come freely down my face.” 



WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | October 26th

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words!

I don’t know how productive I will be this next week with reading, I am taking the next four days off work because of my anniversary, and I would like to think that I will get a lot of reading and posting done but who knows!

The three W’s

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading 

I am reading You and The Witching Hour for the Halloween Read-A-Thon, which sadly I will not be finishing. I do however hope to have You finished in the next couple days.

Since my last post I have finished 

Okay, so I literally just finished A Love Letter to Whiskey and let me tell you I am emotionally broken. I mean that in a good way, this book was incredible. I will be posting my review hopefully tomorrow if not then sometime this weekend!

What I will be reading next








What are you guys reading this week? Let me know below!


Cover Reveals

Cover Reveal |Toxic by Logan Chase

Logan Chase
Publication date:

November 22nd 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Thriller

Till Death Do Us Part

Nathaniel Hayes is the type of man who takes what he wants without asking. Life

hasn’t ever been a willing servant to his desires, but that’s soon to shift. When his latest

scheme turns deadly, he is more than willing to push to the edge of his limits for wealth.

Finally, the two things he has always wanted are within his grasp, but which will he

choose? Love or Loyalty?

Jenna Webb is wedged into a life of pretentious f*cks, who are more concerned with

the appearance of being somebody rather than doing it… She’s exhausted from over-

the-top dinner parties, materialistic suitors and hypocrisy at its finest. The last thing she

wants in her life is another pompous alpha male pretending to be someone he isn’t.

When offered a chance to live fully alive, will she take it? Will it be worth the cost?

True freedom isn’t always what it’s chalked up to be. Especially not when vows are


This is a full-length, standalone bad boy crime novel. Buyer beware for naughty

language, naughty sexual acts and very, very naughty boys.


to Goodreads


Standalone Sunday

Standalone Sunday | #1


Standalone Sunday is a new weekly meme hosted by the lovely Megan over at bookslayerReads! This is a great feature to showcase some standalone books, because we all know they don’t get enough love!



This week’s choice 


Title: Dark Notes

Author: Pam Godwin

Published: April 6th, 2016

Genre: Dark Romance

My Rating: 5/5

Goodreads Synopsis:They call me a slut. Maybe I am.
Sometimes I do things I despise.
Sometimes men take without asking.

But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan.
With one obstacle.

Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take.
He seizes my will power and bangs it like a dark note.
When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything.
I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments.

He’s my obsession, my master, my music.
And my teacher.

This is one of my all time favorite romance novels. It truly is just such a beautifully written story. Although it touches on some heavy subject matter, Goodwin does it in such a great way it captured my heart from the get go!

What’s your standalone recommendation of the week?


Follow me…

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WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: October 19th

Hey all, here we are back to Wednesday again…is it just me or does the month of October seem to be going by too quick! Anyways it is time to catch you guys up with what I have been reading this week.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted over at the lovely Sam over at Taking on a World of Words!

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

So I am reading both of these for the Halloween Read-A-Thon hosted over at Wonderless Reviews! If you are interested in this Read-A-Thon it’s not too late! Check out the details here.

What did you recently finish reading?

Thoughts| Only For You by Naima Simone

 Review: Slow Burn by Pamela Clare

What do you think you’ll read next?

I really need to get caught up on my Read-A-Thon reading for Halloween! So that will be my goal for this upcoming week.

Catch me up on your reading this week below!



Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I would name a dog after

Well it’s Tuesday again! I feel like this past week has gone by so fast! Anyways, as always Tuesday means that it is time for the weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish!


This weeks topic: 10 Characters I would name a Dog (seeing as those are the only babies I will ever be having!) after.


  • Pippin from Lord Of The Rings
  • Sirius from Harry Potter
  • Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
  • Magnus The Mortal Instruments
  • Watson from Sherlock Holmes
  • Luna from Harry Potter
  • Chloe for Beautiful Bastard
  • Nyx from Cruel Beauty


Yeah I think that’s about all I got this week! Whats your Top Ten this week? Feel free to share or drop your link below so I can check it out! Have a great Tuesday everyone, I’m off to work!


Thoughts| Only For You by Naima Simone

Hello all my lovely readers! Hope you all are having a wonderful night! Tonight I bring to you a review of Only For You by Naima Simone. I was provided a copy of this from the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review!


Title: Only For You

Author: Naima Simone

Series: Book 2 in The Lick Series

Rating: 2.5/5 stars


The Boston press calls her the Mob Princess. I call her trouble.

Discretion is my business, and the reporters dogging her every step are bad news. She’s looking to rebel, to tarnish her naïve “good girl” image by getting dirty with me. I gave up a career as a thief, but Corrine Salvaggi’s wide eyes and sinful mouth damn near begs me to steal her innocence. To corrupt her.

Lucky for her, I deal in sex.

Whatever your fantasy, I deliver. Voyeurism. Threesomes. A little slap and tickle.…

If it’s your kink, I can fulfill it.

So yeah, life is good. Simple.

Until she enters my club.


It’s just sex. Our little secret.

For now…


Okay guys I am going to keep this one short an simple. The reason for that being? I didn’t particularly like this book. My first problem with this book? It is completely insta-love, now normally I can handle a decent amount of insta-love in romance novels…because well it’s common. However, what I can’t really deal with is insta-love without a good decent backstory…or any kind of good storyline. For instance say Character A falls instantly in love with Character B but then you learn the characters in hindsight or what led them to this point…or well really just anything. This leads me to my second problem with this book… I didn’t feel like there was enough character development. I think that the potential was there, you have a mob princess who’s whole life has just been upturned, and a man who pulled himself out of the mob lifestyle and sometimes still has a craving for it. I really just feel like Corrine and Sasha fell flat for me as characters. Third problem? Sasha was kind of a wish-washy character (if that makes any sense to you). “Oh I shouldn’t, but I’m going to” “I’m a dominant, but she can control me” “I left the mob life, but it still calls to me” and so forth.

That being said, I do have to give Naima Simone credit, she sure does know how to write a steamy scene! The scene in the alleyway outside the club…Um can I get a HELL YES! She writes the steamy scenes with Corrine and Sasha with the the detail and involvement I want to see throughout the whole book. That being said, the book was rather short and there were not enough of these scenes presented or good story in between to save the book for me.

Would I recommend this book? Not particularly.

Have you read this book and want to share your thoughts? Drop me a comment below!

Until next time…


Want to keep up with what I am currently reading? Follow me on Goodreads!


Review: Slow Burn by Pamela Clare

Hello loves and happy Friday! Today I am bringing you a review of Slow Burn by Pamela Clare. I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley.


Title: Slow Burn

Author: Pamela Clare

Series: #2 in the Colorado High Country series

Pages: 287 pages (kindle edition)

Rating: 5 Oh My Goodness Yes Stars!

Goodreads Synopsis:

Victoria Woodley is done with men. Fresh off a dating nightmare, she flies from her home in Chicago to Scarlet Springs to take part in her best friend’s wedding. Who picks her up at the airport? Eric Hawke. Of course. She made a fool of herself over him last time she was here. He’s cocky, charming, and sexy as sin. But the fact that she’s attracted to him is all the proof she needs that he’s bad news. She would ignore him if she could. But he’s the best man, and she’s the maid of honor. She can’t just tell him to jump in a lake—especially not when her lips are locked with his.

Eric isn’t looking for a relationship. Between running the firehouse and volunteering for the county’s search and rescue team, he has enough on his plate. He doesn’t need to get tangled up with a woman from the big city, especially one whose idea of roughing it is going without designer coffee. Yet from the moment he looks into Victoria’s big brown eyes, the attraction he feels is too strong to deny. Faster than he can imagine, the spark of desire that has smoldered between them since the first day they met will flare into full-blown passion.

But can Eric convince Victoria to set aside her doubts and trust him with her heart before their time together runs out?



“Firemen are my favorite color” 

This statement explains exactly how I feel about this book! From the get go this book had me HOOKED. It starts out with Victoria flying in from Chicago and she meets Eric in the airport coffee shop, Eric not knowing the person he is picking up is a woman. They get a little flirty and then Eric starts talking about this person that he is picking up that has flown out to “ruin” the good thing his best friend has going with Lexi. Little does he know that the person he has been sent to pick up is sitting right across from him. Ahh this was just perfect I loved it! Eric and Victoria get off on the wrong foot and she returns home to Chicago, then a couple months later returns to small town Colorado for Lexi’s wedding. Victoria finds herself in the same situation, Eric picking her up at the airport, except this time she knows he is just an egotistical ass (no matter how hot he is). Victoria has come to Colorado for the week of Lexi’s wedding, and man to they have a week packed full or adventure. Well as the week progresses her and Eric grow closer, and soon they are “together” together even though they both know they only have one week until Victoria returns to Chicago. The rest of the story follows their adventures during the week of the wedding and as their feelings intensify.

So let me start with Victoria, I absolutely loved Vic’s character, she is a strong willed independent woman  who just wants to have some fun. However, Victoria has some pretty ugly backstory, which I won’t go into in too much detail, but I will say that she has been seriously wronged by the last man in her life. Despite that, and the fact that she might not completely trust herself she is strong through the book. The other side of Victoria’s personality that I think added the perfect balance to her character, was her complete selflessness. She is such a generous, caring person which is shown by several acts to not only the bride and groom but as well as one of the towns inhabitants, Bear.

So what kind of male character would evenly match Victoria’s character? Eric of course! Eric is a first responder, fire captain and part of the search and rescue team, he saves lives everyday. He cares about all of the people in the town of Scarlet Springs and shows compassion to every  person his path crosses. Did I also mention he is smokin’ hot?! Extremely dedicated to his job he can’t think of settling down, or finding a women who understands his crazy schedule…until Victoria.

Slow Burn had everything I look for in a good romance novel, it was steamy hot, there was a incredible storyline, and a happy ending, and some good humor. Sometimes with romance novels I really am just reading until the next steamy scene or just to finish the book, I have no connection to the story or investment with the characters. However, with Eric and Victoria I was invested with their happy ending. There were other elements brought into the story so you didn’t just have to rely on the romance aspect of the story. There was a little bit of mystery, a little bit of gut retching oh my god what’s going to happen, and a little bit of a side story between Bear and Victoria that made me cry. I really just can’t express enough how well written and played out this story was, Pamela Clare did a phenomenal job! I believe I have found one of my new favorite authors. This is the second book in the series and I had not read the first, however, as soon as I finished this one I went straight to Amazon to purchase the first one (Barley Breathing). These books will be an automatic read for me from now on!

Would you recommend this book? Yes, go buy it right now!

Who would you recommend this book to? Anyone who likes a good contemporary romance, people for people who enjoy Jaci Burton, Christina Lauren, or Maya Banks

Have you read this book or the other in the series? What are your thoughts, share them below!

Hope you all enjoyed the review and have a fantastic Friday!
